bronze whaler

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bronze whaler

(Animals) a shark, Carcharhinus brachyurus, of southern Australian waters, having a bronze-coloured back
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RHONDDA SAC members John Griffiths and Richard Potts made their annual pilgrimage to Namibia last week and caught a feast of big fish from the shore including smooth hounds, gully sharks and the target species bronze whaler sharks.
The frightened man began to hit and punch the shark - which locals suspect is a bronze whaler - to get it off his bicep.
Another Twitter user said it was a shark: "Having dived amongst them I can tell you that is, in fact, a Bronze Whaler Shark certainly not a dolphin bottlenose or any other variant."
A swimmer was killed by a bronze whaler in New South Wales in 2014 but attacks on humans are infrequent.
Simon will be live on the show from Namibia and will be talking about landing 1,000 Bronze Whaler Sharks from the beach and a huge variety of fish from his boats.
Fishermen in Cape Town, South Africa, battle to free an eight-foot bronze whaler shark accidentally caught in their traditional seine net.
Long-beaked common dolphins, Bronze whaler sharks, Bryde's whales, and Cape gannets alter their ecology or behaviour just to dine on the sardines.
Jason the nature guide points out a bronze whaler shark terrorising a school of clownfish.
Angus, 15, PUNCHED the 5ft bronze whaler that had torn into his leg - then, bleeding badly, instructed his mum in life-saving first aid.
But the shark - believed to be only 9Olbs short of the biggest bronze whaler ever caught off Namibia -was released back into the ocean to fight another day.
Mark and his team went hunting for sharks in the waters off South Africa and had a few close encounters including being caught up in a feed frenzy of Bronze Whaler sharks.