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Related to brinksmanship: Eisenhower Doctrine, U-2 incident


 (brĭngk′mən-shĭp′) also brinks·man·ship (brĭngks′-)
The practice, especially in international politics, of seeking advantage by creating the impression that one is willing and able to push a highly dangerous situation to the limit rather than concede.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

brinkmanship, brinksmanship

the technique or practice in foreign policy of manipulating a dangerous situation to the limits of tolerance or safety in order to secure advantage, especially by creating diplomatic crises.
See also: Politics
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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US President John F Kennedy called Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev's bluff in the ultimate act of brinksmanship as a nuclear conflagration loomed, but the crisis was ultimately solved by a face-saving deal for both sides.
The idea that half the Cabinet can wake up one morning and decide that this act of dangerous brinksmanship is the answer to the entire conundrum is clearly for the birds.
Clearly, in this game of brinksmanship - with the US primarily responsible - a conflict in the Gulf would unleash a catastrophe.
It will take a lot more than personnel changes in the military council and brinksmanship between protest leaders and army chiefs for the situation to normalize.
ISLAMABAD -- The book titled 'India's 'Surgical Strike' Stratagem, Brinksmanship and Response' authored by Professor Dr Zafar Nawaz Jaspal, launched here on Tuesday at School of Politics and International Relations, Quaid e Azam University.
Dr Faisal said such nuclear brinksmanship must be discouraged, adding that in the interest of the region, both countries should resume dialogue and discuss confidence building and restraint measures for the long-term strategic stability in South Asia.
The spokesperson said such nuclear brinksmanship needs to be discouraged.
With March 29 fast approaching my wish and plea to Theresa May - who seems to only listen to Theresa May - our own ultra-loyal MP Chris Davies and everyone else is: please let common sense prevail instead of brinksmanship and party games to prevent us crashing out of the European Union without a deal.
We know their resort to poorly choreographed and worn-out political brinksmanship is fuelled by the obvious absence of any credible agenda in their party since the exit of Omisore.
In this regard, Trump's decision could be seen as a diplomatic gambit to warn the North that its outdated brinksmanship tactics will not work anymore.
'His comments suggest another round of brinksmanship around a government shutdown is likely; any hope of an early resolution of the issue now appear too optimistic.'