

1. a picnic at which meat is cooked over an open fire; a barbecue
2. (Cookery) the meat cooked at such a barbecue
[from Afrikaans braai roast + vleis meat]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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One of the famous dishes is the Braaivleis, which is BBQ meat cooked over coals from burnt firewood and not charcoal, this includes chops, steak, sosatie, braaiwors (sausage) and chicken.
It was at the braaivleis to celebrate the opening of the Baker-Nunn station that a set of predictions for SAO clattered out of the telex, ending with the greatly appreciated compliments: "but rely heavily on Finsen's predictions".
There is going to be, jumping castles, braaivleis and drinks on sale.
According to infidelity dating website, "With braaivleis, sunny skies, outdoors showers, Jacuzzis, safaris and the great outdoors an integral part of the South African lifestyle, home-grown lovers rank as hotter than their Spanish counterparts."
Could one find the key in Afrikaner songs and literature, in beer and braaivleis. How do I live with the fact that all the words used to humiliate, all the order given to kill, belonged to the language of my heart?
I opened the tasting with ' braai sausages' ( braai is short for braaivleis , which in Afrikaans means ' roasted meat').
Could one find the key to this in Afrikaner songs and literature, in beer and braaivleis? How do I live with the fact that all the words used to humiliate, all the orders given to kill, belonged to the language of my heart?
Whether you're in London taking afternoon tea at Claridge's to rejuvenate after a day of shopping, or you find yourself appreciating a glass of Anwilka red at a braaivleis (barbecue) in South Africa, your experiences overseas will be enriched with thoughtful study about the places and the people that you're visiting.
Braai, or South African barbecue, comes from the Afrikaans word braaivleis. The term means "meat grill," and it is a form of barbecue that has become a social tradition among the people of South Africa.
As it takes 7-8 hours for a human body to bum, we had a braaivleis on the side, drinking beer and eating meat." Tutu comments on this: How low we could sink in our humanity to one another.
Afrikaans het byvoorbeeld nie die Engelse woorde speaker en tjop (van chop) in die voile omvang van hul betekenisse ontleen nie, maar slegs in die betekenisse van "voorsitter van die parlement" en "ribbetjie van 'n skaap, gewild as braaivleis" onderskeidelik (Odendal & Gouws, 2000:1050; 1158).