bowl along


w>bowl along

vidahergerauscht kommen/dahinrauschen (→ prep obj auf +dat) (inf)
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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Place them into a bowl along with the watercress and flake in the smoked trout.
Add to the bowl along with the Maltesers and the almonds.
He jumps well and likes to bowl along up front, attributes which are suited to the Roscommon track.
Break up the chocolate and put it into a large heatproof bowl along with the butter.
Botti said: "We weren't sure about the pace, so we decided to keep it simple and let her bowl along.
Hull the washed strawberries, cut them into bite-sized pieces and put them in a bowl along with the blueberries.
Sydney, Feb 27 ( ANI ): Australian all-rounder Shane Watson has admitted that he does not deserve to play in the Australian Test squad unless he is able to bowl along with batting in every match.
The William Haggas-trained colt loved being allowed to bowl along in front as Silvestre de Sousa dictated affairs form the start.
He was quite fresh, so I just let him bowl along and he enjoyed himself.
"He is a good bowler and India need such a kind of bowler to bowl along with Zaheer Khan.
Drain well, then tumble into a large bowl along with the ham hock, warm cheese sauce and parsley.