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Related to bouilli: Cuir bouilli


a meat stew
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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This hearty dish is similar to the French boeuf bouilli and the Italian bollito misto.
Le dEner ne peut se passer du foie de chameau grille au four ou au charbon ou bouilli dans une eau sans epices, suivi de l'incontournable plateau de the.
(12.) L'hervido (litteralement << bouilli >>) est un melange d'alcool de canne avec du jus de fruit chaud (le plus souvent de mure, naranjilla ou goyave) et du sucre, boisson qui est abondamment bue lors des fetes.
Mais cetait surtout aux heures des repas qu'elle n'en pouvait plus [...]; toute l'amertume de l'existence lui semblait servie sur son assiette, et, a la fumee du bouilli, il montait dufond de son ame comme d'autres bouffees d'affadissement.
Suis-je encore culinairement raciste si mon palais est sensible a notre traditionnel veau aux olives alors que l'odeur du mouton bouilli me souleve le coeur?
(McClintock, 1852-54: 30 November 1853) Kennedy (1853:149) reported that "To lengthen out our stock of provisions we fed our dogs on old leather shoes, and fag-ends of buffalo robes ..." For food for his dogs on the trail Penny had a special concoction prepared: "It was made of a large proportion of oatmeal mixed with melted fat and a very small proportion, perhaps one-sixth or one-eighth of 'soup and bouilli"' (Sutherland, 1852, vol.
He had been promised a "good, simple repast," and he carefully listed the seven courses in his journal, from a bouilli of beef and veal to stoned pears and chestnuts, served with the local wine.
(11) What other materials might have been used to create such mock armour we aren't certain of, but papier mache and cuir bouilli may have been options.