bombardier beetle

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bombardier beetle

Any of various carabid beetles of the subfamily Brachininae that eject a hot, acrid spray from the abdomen when disturbed, making a popping sound.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

bombardier′ bee`tle

any ground beetle of the genus Brachinus, which ejects a puff of volatile fluid from its abdomen with a popping sound when disturbed.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.bombardier beetle - beetle that ejects audibly a pungent vapor when disturbedbombardier beetle - beetle that ejects audibly a pungent vapor when disturbed
carabid beetle, ground beetle - predacious shining black or metallic terrestrial beetle that destroys many injurious insects
Brachinus, genus Brachinus - bombardier beetles
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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Once home I did a long online search to see what happened and discovered that the Bombardier beetle is a docile insect unless it feels threatened and then it releases a chemical combination of Hydrogen Peroxide and Hydroquinone in rapid bursts.
Schulze-Makuch speculates that a larger, more complex alien creature, maybe resembling Earth's bombardier beetle, could use these microorganisms as a source of food and water.
Little Luna - Big Talent (9 /10): Bastei Entertainment has concocted a cute little app for kids that have them following a little bombardier beetle named Luna around her little world.
The tracks are "Animal Kingdom" (2:41), "Frog Fiesta" (3:19), "The Buck Stops Here" (1:51), "Bear Song" (3:46), "Platypus" (2:08), "Katy Caterpillar" (1:57), "Bombardier Beetle" (2:17), "Armando Armadillo" (3:15), "Alligator Get-Together" (3:13).
Wendelin Jan Stark, a professor at ETH University said that the research was inspired by the bombardier beetle, an insect that sprays its attackers with a chemical, created with the help of enzymes in its body, that can kill ants and intimidate frogs.
London, April 13 ( ANI ): Swiss engineers have taken inspiration from the bombardier beetle, which sprays attackers with a near-boiling concoction, and have developed a polymer-based substance that could be used to foil thieves who vandalize ATMs.
Famed naturalist Charles Darwin complained of a close encounter with a bombardier beetle (could%20not%20bear%20to%20give%20up%20either%20of%20my%20Carabi,%20&%20to%20lose%20PanagA[bar]us%20was%20out%20of%20the%20question,%20so%20that%20in%20despair%20I%20gently%20seized%20one%20of%20the%20carabi%20between%20my%20teeth,%20when%20to%20my%20unspeakable%20disgust%20&%20pain%20the%20little%20inconsiderate%20beast%20squirted%20his%20acid%20down%20my%20throat%20&%20I%20lost%20both%20Carabi%20&%20PanagA[bar]us) in an 1846 letter to English clergyman and naturalist Leonard Jenyns .
VISITORS: Pupils from St Thomas Of Canterbury Catholic Primary School in St Helens, and, top, a Bombardier Beetle
Point out to students the picture of the "bombardier beetle," and read out loud the "DID YOU KNOW??" information at the bottom of the page.
2, is the brightly coloured bombardier beetle Pheropsophus africanus, which can fire a chemical blast from its posterior that irritates and discolours the skin in a manner similar to nitric acid.
Among his examples are the chemical defense of the bombardier beetle, the lungfish surviving without oxygen, jet propulsion, gecko feet, termite towers, fire and smoke detectors, and plant communication.