board of directors

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Noun1.board of directors - a group of persons chosen to govern the affairs of a corporation or other large institutionboard of directors - a group of persons chosen to govern the affairs of a corporation or other large institution
board - a committee having supervisory powers; "the board has seven members"
staggered board of directors - a board of directors a portion of whose members are elected each year instead of all members being elected annually
management - those in charge of running a business
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As the day for the opening of the Exposition drew near, the Board of Directors began preparing the programme for the opening exercises.
In this I felt that the Board of Directors had paid a tribute to me.
The capital was furnished by himself he, in fact, constituted the company; for, though he had a board of directors, they were merely nominal; the whole business was conducted on his plans and with his resources, but he preferred to do so under the imposing and formidable aspect of a corporation, rather than in his individual name, and his policy was sagacious and effective.
Brooke of Tipton, who had lately allowed himself to be put on the board of directors in his turn, but had never before attended, his attendance now being due to Mr.
The policy of insurance for my dwelling house had expired the day before; and, some dispute having arisen, it was agreed that, at six, I should meet the board of directors of the company and settle the terms of a renewal.
Among the fine gentlemen not regularly belonging to the Gradgrind school, there was one of a good family and a better appearance, with a happy turn of humour which had told immensely with the House of Commons on the occasion of his entertaining it with his (and the Board of Directors) view of a railway accident, in which the most careful officers ever known, employed by the most liberal managers ever heard of, assisted by the finest mechanical contrivances ever devised, the whole in action on the best line ever constructed, had killed five people and wounded thirty-two, by a casualty without which the excellence of the whole system would have been positively incomplete.
It would take a Public Company with a Board of Directors and a paid Secretary to do that.
Reportedly, the Stora Enso shareholders' nomination board has been established to exist until otherwise decided and to annually prepare proposals for Stora Enso Oyj's Annual General Meeting concerning the election and remuneration of members of the company's board of directors and board committees, as well as the appointments of the chair and the vice chair of the board of directors.
The new board of directors will be headed by Khalid Bin Sulaiman Al Jasser, supported by six experts in banking services and information technology.
nominate, elect and remove members of the board of directors.

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