blow moulding

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blow moulding

(Mechanical Engineering) a process for moulding single-piece plastic objects in which a thermoplastic is extruded into a split mould and blown against its sides
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Fact.MR has announced the addition of the "Blow Moulding Machines Market Forecast, Trend Analysis & Competition Tracking - Global Market insights 2018 to 2028"report to their offering.
[ClickPress, Tue Aug 27 2019] Blow Moulding Machine Market -- Introduction Blow molding is a process used for the production of hollow plastic components.
Currently, Norman is directing his own consulting services: World Wide Blow Moulding Services and also Attractive Design Ltd.
The machine which enables blow molding is called a Blow Moulding Machines Market .
Garcia-Rejon, "Advances in Blow Moulding Process Optimization," Report 82, Rapra Review, Reports, 7:10 (1995).