blended wing body

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blended wing body

An aircraft that combines features of a conventional winged fuselage and a flying wing, in which the wings merge continuously with a flattened, aerodynamic body that provides much of the lift.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The Boeing Blended Wing Body is another innovative concept for long-range flight.
The most hyped design, however, seems to be the blended wing body. Essentially, this is a large flying wing with the passenger cabin or cargo storage area within its centre section.
The Blended Wing Body (BWB) is a tailless unconventional aircraft concept characterised by a blended functionality between the portions of the airframe dedicated to the payload allocation (the fuselage) and generation of lift (the wing).
Eleni roedd safon yr awyrennau yn uchel iawn a Phrifysgol Manceinion oedd y gorau, gyda'u cynllun awyren Blended Wing Body.
TRANSFORMED X-48C :The remotely operated X-48C Blended Wing Body aircraft lifts off Rogers Dry Lake at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., on its first test flight Aug.
A modified Boeing (NYSE: BA) Blended Wing Body research aircraft designated the X-48C flew for the first time this week at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards Air Force Base in California.
M2 EQUITYBITES-August 8, 2012--Boeing flies X-48C blended wing body research aircraft(C)2012 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
The Air Force also has high hopes for the blended wing body aircraft that is being developed by NASA, Boeing Phantom Works, and the Air Force Research Lab at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio.
Boeing executives have said they are studying three options - the sleek Sonic Cruiser, which would fly 15 to 20 per cent faster than normal planes; a conventional jetliner; and an even more radical concept for an all-wing airliner, the Blended Wing Body.
This year the quality of the aircraft was very high and the University of Manchester came out on top, with its design of a Blended Wing Body aircraft.