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(Biology) the formation of a bleb
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Videos of the cells showed increased blebbing -- bubbling of the membrane -- within minutes after activation.
The swelling and blebbing of the tegument induced by the studied extracts had been described for different schistosome species as reported previously by Jennifer and Norson [15], Singh et al.
Ultrastructure of blebbing and phagocytosis of blebs by hyperplastic thyroid epithelial cells in vivo.
Morphologically, blasts typically exhibit round to ovoid nuclei, dispersed chromatin, small nucleoli, and deeply basophilic cytoplasm with cytoplasmic blebbing, a characteristic feature of megakaryoblastic differentiation (Figure 1).
Microparticles are small vesicular structures (0.1-1 diameter) produced and released by exocytic blebbing of the cell plasma membrane from a variety of cell types including platelets, erythrocytes, leucocytes, endothelial cells, fibroblasts, epithelial cells, and tumor cells [1-4].
Few blasts in all cases showed cytoplasmic blebbing (figure 1) and also characteristic platelet budding in three out of five cases (figure 2).
Some in vitro studies have reported that inhibition of apoptotic blebbing significantly impaired corpse clearance by monocytes and macrophages (5,6).
Blebbing is the evidence of inner membrane breakage which resulted in cytoplasmic leakage.
The morphological characteristics include condensation of nuclear chromatin and cytoplasm, membrane blebbing and the formation of apoptotic bodies.