birthday gift

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Noun1.birthday gift - a present given in celebration of a person's birthdaybirthday gift - a present given in celebration of a person's birthday
present - something presented as a gift; "his tie was a present from his wife"
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References in classic literature ?
No one did for several months, but the word `fete' always produced a general smile, and Laurie's birthday gift to Amy was a tiny coral lobster in the shape of a charm for her watch guard.
He was certainly more eager in these visits than the probable speed of events required him to be; but he was stimulated by a fatherly delight in occupying his mind with this bit of probable happiness which he held in store like a hidden birthday gift for Fred and Mary.
For a moment, and only for a moment, Emily was repelled by the profanation associated with her birthday gift. Then, the loving remembrance of the dear hands that had so often touched that relic, drew the faithful daughter back to the woman whom she abhorred.
The beautifully printed and mailed "birthday gift" features gift cards from this exclusive group of businesses in the community.
I found it odd because he called my friends to talk about a birthday gift and he has talked to me about gifts for other people, but didn't follow through for me.
Capable of generating pace when the situation demands, Wahab would be eying a bagful of wickets as a belated birthday gift having turned 34 yesterday (Friday).
Birthday gift for slain boy: Caloocan cop's dismissal !-- -- Marc Jayson Cayabyab (The Philippine Star) - June 16, 2019 - 12:00am MANILA, Philippines The dismissal of a Caloocan policeman from service over the death of a six-year-old boy may be the family's only birthday gift to their son for his upcoming birthday.
Roman Romulo's victory is the 'best birthday gift.'
Speaking on the new single, De Don said: 'Wedding day is a birthday gift to me, because I released the song on my birthday and a development to launch myself in a unique way into the industry.
Roberts posted a photograph of herself with a Blythe Doll on Instagram and wrote, "I got an early birthday gift and her name is Bloom!
Meghan Markle gave Kate Middleton a birthday gift last year.
He is the orchestra's patron, and said lead violinist and conductor Christopher Warren-Green had suggested the birthday gift. Charles said: "He was terribly keen I should conduct it.