bird's foot trefoil

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Noun1.bird's foot trefoil - Old World herb related to fenugreekbird's foot trefoil - Old World herb related to fenugreek
herb, herbaceous plant - a plant lacking a permanent woody stem; many are flowering garden plants or potherbs; some having medicinal properties; some are pests
genus Trigonella, Trigonella - Old World genus of frequently aromatic herbs
2.bird's foot trefoil - European forage plant having claw-shaped pods introduced in Americabird's foot trefoil - European forage plant having claw-shaped pods introduced in America
genus Lotus, Lotus - annual or perennial herbs or subshrubs
subshrub, suffrutex - low-growing woody shrub or perennial with woody base
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References in periodicals archive ?
Dr Zoe Randle, Butterfly Conservation's senior surveys officer, said: "People should be able to spot these butterflies in National Park areas as their caterpillars mainly feed on the wildflower and common bird's foot trefoil."
This year classic meadow flowers such as yellow rattle, tufted vetch and red clover are abundant and there is more bird's foot trefoil than I have ever seen in this meadow in nearly 30 years.
He gave an update on Bee World 1 which was created in 2013 and which saw Bedstraw and Bird's Foot Trefoil. Bee World 2 saw Ox-eye Daisy, Knapweed, Red Campion, Bedstraw and Buttercup while Bee World 3 had been somewhat overtaken by grasses, but still had some Bird's Foot Trefoil, Clover and Knapweed.
The site supports a wide range of unusual plant species, such as blue moor grass, wildflowers including carline thistle, common rock rose, bird's foot trefoil, cowslip, fairy flax and wild thyme and meadow brown and common blue butterflies.
A pathway was due to be cut into the flower meadow, clearing the way through hundreds of lupin flowers, bird's foot trefoil and clover.
Lotus corniculatus commonly known as Bird's foot trefoil belongs to a genus that contains many dozen of species distributes worldwide e.g.