bedding geranium

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Noun1.bedding geranium - an upright geranium having scalloped leaves with a broad color zone inside the margin and white or pink or red flowersbedding geranium - an upright geranium having scalloped leaves with a broad color zone inside the margin and white or pink or red flowers
geranium - any of numerous plants of the family Geraniaceae
genus Pelargonium, Pelargonium - geraniums native chiefly to South Africa; widely cultivated
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Using only the best seed possible, this exceptional mixture will produce the best quality bedding geranium plants possible and sturdy, reliable flowers on 30-40cm stems.
These include begonia, petunia, pelargonium (bedding geranium), lobelia and verbena.
GIVE your house a new look this summer by covering blank walls with hanging baskets packed with low bushy and trailing plants such as fuchsia, petunia, impatiens and begonia, all planted around a taller central plant such as a bedding geranium. A basket overflowing with colour is a bold statement.
You can reap at least 20 cuttings from a single fuchsia, petunia or bedding geranium. Perennial cottage border plants such as agryanthemums, pinks and penstemons can also be propagated to fill gaps and make new beds.
Known as bedding geraniums, they make the most glorious displays from June until November.
Hundreds of bedding geraniums and French marigolds have been planted in the nine beds near the castle keep as part of DZG's annual summer planting programme.
If you have pots of pelargoniums (bedding geraniums) which you want to enjoy next year, put them inside too, in a light, frost-free place such as a slightly heated greenhouse, a sheltered porch next to the house or an unheated spare room or conservatory, cutting them back to 10cm (4in).
Divine is the first seed-raised variety introduced, in packs, similarly priced to bedding geraniums. It does best in shelter and sun, with large bright flowers, and glossy foliage.
EASY Sow bedding geraniums in a heated greenhouse or propagator - soaking seeds in tepid water for 24 hours before planting will speed up the germination.
These are the bedding geraniums, more correctly known as pelargoniums and our modern hybrids are all produced from seed these days for speed, uniformity, guaranteed flower colour and quality and many other features.
THESE perennial hardy geraniums have become much prized by discerning gardeners in recent years for planting in herbaceous borders.They must not, however, be confused with the traditional summer bedding geraniums which are more correctly called Pelargoniums.
Standard bedding geraniums grow to around 1.5ft and there are many of them, with new types appearing each year, but just as impressive are the regal pelargoniums, with their blowsy flowers and bushy foliage.