bateleur eagle

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bateleur eagle



(Animals) an African crested bird of prey, Terathopius ecaudatus, with a short tail and long wings: subfamily Circaetinae, family Accipitridae (hawks, etc)
[C19: from French bateleur juggler]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The croc and hippo-filled wetlands of Lake Ihema in the south of the park are a bird-lover's paradise - on a boat trip we saw fish eagles, darters, kingfishers, herons, storks, as well as a soaring bateleur eagle, circling vultures and (my favourite) iridescent lilacbreasted rollers.
The croc and hippo-filled wetlands of Lake Ihema in the south of the park are a bird lover's paradise - we saw fish eagles, darters, kingfishers, herons, storks, a soaring bateleur eagle, circling vultures and lilac-breasted rollers.
I HAD an unusual call this week from the local bird of prey centre which had a bateleur eagle with a watery eye.
But as Mr Ashcroft packed up his display at the end of the festival, two of the birds - a grey owl and bateleur eagle - were stolen from the back of his van.
But as Mr Ashcroft packed up his display on Sunday, two of the birds - a grey owl and bateleur eagle - were stolen from the back of his van.
An adult captive male bateleur eagle (Terathopius ecaudatus) estimated to be 32 years old and weighing 2.4 kg was presented for evaluation of left hindlimb lameness.
At one of the falconry shows Saturday, Beauchamp, a self-proclaimed "bird lover," was enthralled by the augur buzzard, Barbary falcon, steppe eagle and Bateleur eagle that Las Vegas-based bird and animal handler Joe Krathwohl showed off to a crowd of about 250 people.
The centre has three other eagles - a Russian Steppes eagle called Zara, Savanna, a ferruginous eagle,and an as yet unnamed bateleur eagle.