basting stitch

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Noun1.basting stitch - a loose temporary sewing stitch to hold layers of fabric togetherbasting stitch - a loose temporary sewing stitch to hold layers of fabric together
embroidery stitch, sewing stitch - a stitch made with thread and a threaded sewing needle through fabric or leather
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Sew a short basting stitch around the circle, leaving a knot and thread tail at the beginning of the circle.
A simple overhand stitch is easy to master, but even a basic running stitch (like a basting stitch) will do.
This will allow you to stitch the two together using a basting stitch, which is a series of long 1/4 to 1/2 inch running stitches used to tack things together, about 1/4 inch inside the edge of the broadcloth.
The joke that runs through these stories like a basting stitch is the narrator's quest to photograph a famous reproductive surgeon with his dog, and though in each tale she refers to the doctor as the surgeon she'd photographed, every scene describing her effort to do so ends in failure.
With a large yarn needle and scraps of yarn they can make a basting stitch or overcast stitch.
Using a basting stitch and black embroidery floss, stitch mouth and nose.
Run the basting stitch over each corner to hold the fabric flat.
If available, embroider a basting stitch around the designs.