

an aeroplane driven solely by the strength of the aviator
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References in periodicals archive ?
IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACTS 1963 TO 2013 AND IN THE MATTER OF Aviette Limited, Barrouche, Bloomburg Limited, Brandalle Limited, Burwood House Developments (Ireland) Limited, Cantoni International, Cherrywood Block G/G1 Electricity Management Company Limited, Cherrywood Services Limited, Cradder, Crosswall Quay Limited, Dankinter Limited, Demifale Company, Dunloe Ewart, Dunloe Ewart (Dublin) Limited, Dunloe Management Services, Elpueblo Limited, Eversmile Trading Limited, Fitzwilliam Trust Company, G.D.
It is alleged Mr Byrne made the sale on the basis of privileged information he acquired as a director of a firm called Aviette Limited - which was then closely associated with Dunloe House plc.