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(Aeronautics) the continuous rotation of a body in an airflow, such as that of the rotor blades of a helicopter in an unpowered descent
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At 1416, the engine lost all power and the pilot performed an autorotation to a roadway.
"If introduced on serial helicopters, this technology could deliver new standards in terms of safety by providing pilots of single-engine rotorcraft more flexibility to perform autorotation in case of an engine shutdown.
Hussain Nadim from Sydney discussed the Economists Democracy Index, which revealed that only 19 countries considered democratic, 57 with flawed democracy including US, 39 Hybrid regimes and 52 autorotation regimes.
In their study, the authors concluded that the repositioning of the posterior maxilla resulted in the autorotation of the mandible.
After pre-test, the booklet was given to Group I, vestibular autorotation test (VAT) was given for 45 min for Group II, and VAT and booklet were given to Group III.
In [18], the authors designed a trajectory planning function for a small-scale helicopter in autorotation which could minimize the battery power consumption and avoid bang-bang type solutions.
Comparison of head thrust test with head autorotation test reveals that the vestibulo-ocular reflex is enhanced during voluntary head movements.
| Gyro Air Displays Team A marvel of the skies dating from 1923, the Autogyro - also known as a gyrocopter - uses autorotation to propel itself through the air by using a helicopter like freespinning rotor powered by the air from below.
Through Bell Helicopter's high inertia rotor system, Bell Helicopter has demonstrated throughout the flight test program exceptional autorotation capability that is part of the Jet Ranger legacy.
landing area even if one is within the limited autorotation radius.
studied the autorotation control using a new fuzzy logic-based controller [110].