

(ˈæθəˌtaɪz) or


vb (tr)
(Literary & Literary Critical Terms) to reject as not genuine
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Given the argument in the scholia--that Odyssey 11.38-43 is aoupcpcovov with the following lines--Africanus's revision of the passage to include 38-43 but athetize 44-7 reads as a response to Zenodotus's and Aristophanes' observations. etanimm011502.htm X O M B A N T A N G Xom Ban Tang, Vietnam, 10[degrees] 3', 105[degrees] 59' O B E R L A U T E R Oberlauterbach, France, 48[degrees] 57', 8[degrees] 4' M E M E L I S H T I Memelishti, Albania, 40[degrees] 56', 20[degrees] 38' B R E W E S T E R E OED brewster A L L E S T A T E S all estates, OED estate 5 N A I S T E K I V I Naistekivi Maa, Estonia, 58[degrees] 14', 21[degrees] 55' T U S T A K H- S E N Tustakh-Sen, Russia, 69[degrees] 8', 156[degrees] 11' A T H E T I S I N G from OED athetize verb N E T R E V E N U E net revenue, Bloomsbury Thesaurus G R I E S I N G E R Griesinger's Mental Path.
"Psychotic," here, is just a synonym for "wacky"--a word to athetize people who can't be understood without the expense of further attention.