asthma attack

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.asthma attack - respiratory disorder characterized by wheezingasthma attack - respiratory disorder characterized by wheezing; usually of allergic origin
bronchospasm - a spasm of the bronchi that makes exhalation difficult and noisy; associated with asthma and bronchitis
respiratory disease, respiratory disorder, respiratory illness - a disease affecting the respiratory system
status asthmaticus - a prolonged and severe asthma attack that does not respond to standard treatment
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References in periodicals archive ?
Children in Paisley could be at risk of having a lifethreatening asthma attack when they return to school after the summer holidays.
More than 1,400 people died from an asthma attack last year in England and Wales, around an eight per cent increase compared to 2017, Asthma UK said.
According to Asthma UK, 1,400 people died from an asthma attack in 2018 - an eight per cent increase on the previous year and a rise of 33 per cent compared to a decade ago.
Gabbie Hornsey, 25, lost her sister Dominique, 19, to a fatal asthma attack in 2017.
EVERY three seconds somebody in the UK has an asthma attack, new figures suggest.
There were 1,235 people in England and Wales who died from a fatal asthma attack in 2017 - a slight dip compared to 1,271 in 2016, although generally the figure has remained fairly constant for the past 16 years.
Figures from 2016 show that in the month before school there were 884 emergency admissions for asthma, compared to 2,421 in the month after schools returned for the autumn term.It said the medication is vital as without it, children could potentially suffer an asthma attack triggered by cold and flu viruses - some of which they will be exposed to after returning to school.
The medicine builds up over time so will help to protect their child from an asthma attack during the summer holiday and once they return to school.
This frightening scenario is what an asthma attack can feel like - and it's not that uncommon.
WOULD you know what to do if someone suffered a potentially life-threatening asthma attack? If you don't, you're not alone.
AlerSense[TM] is an in-home unit when, combined with the mobile app, delivers accurate environmental readings, giving asthma and allergy sufferers precious time to remove themselves from, or alter the environment to possibly mitigate or avoid an allergy or asthma attack. AlerSense[TM] delivers precise in-home measurements of airborne contamination and toxins such as pollen, mold, dust, dust mite waste, VOC's and animal dander helping consumers monitor the levels of airborne contamination in the environment that can cause allergy and asthma attacks.
AlerSense is an in-home unit when, combined with the mobile app, delivers accurate environmental readings, giving asthma and allergy sufferers precious time to remove themselves from, or alter the environment to possibly mitigate or avoid an allergy or asthma attack.