arrivals board


arrivals board

n (Rail) → Ankunftstafel f; (Aviat) → Ankunftsanzeige f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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When Gulf News reached Terminal 1 arrivals there was confusion among awaiting friends and relatives who were not aware of the incident but had noticed the arrivals board backing up with delays and estimated arrivals.
Even Ben-Gurion International Airport joined in the national excitement, listing the little spacecraft on its arrivals board, indicating it was due to land on the moon at 10 p.m.
We evaluated each crumpled passenger, not only trying to guess where they came from (clues on the arrivals board), but their social standing and reasons for their journey.
Sir Robert, who was knighted by the Queen in 1998, was rescued by passer-by Riyad El Hussani, who leapt from the platform to save him as the electronic arrivals board showed just one minute until the next train.
Sir Robert, who was knighted by the Queen in 1998, was rescued by heroic passer-by Riyad El Hussani, who leapt from the platform to save him as the electronic arrivals board showed just one minute until the next train.
Those commuting on train services are asked to check their journeys before they travel on the National Rail Enquiries live departures and arrivals board.
The bullet holes were clearly visible next to the arrivals board when DW visited the airport Wednesday morning.
Paragon is offering new 'Arrivals Board' functionality for all of its routing and scheduling systems that link to satellite vehicle tracking using Paragon Fleet Controller.
Upon looking at the arrivals board, Castro discovered that the flight from Manila was not due till 4.15pm.