

tr.v. ar·peg·gi·at·ed, ar·peg·gi·at·ing, ar·peg·gi·ates
1. To play or sing (a chord) in arpeggio.
2. To represent (the tones of a chord) as separate notes, as on a staff.

ar·peg′gi·a′tor n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


having arpeggiosplayed as an arpeggio
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Autumn Hoedown, with its open fifth bass, accents and lively dotted rhythms, contrasts well with Smoky Mountain Laurel, featuring arpeggiated chords, left-hand crossing finger patterns, singing melody and slightly syncopated rhythms.
Swimming Tapes nailed it with their arpeggiated dreampop melodies.
First, we hear the prelude, whose arpeggiated chords waving above a calm bassline flow through harmonies so interesting and courageous it's hard to believe it was composed as early as 1815.
Holter muses in a whimsical murmur about the nature of love and the realities that will eventually tether her back down as synths swell, a saxophone wails and a choir of voices and strings sigh in arpeggiated joy: "Oh oh oh!" before the song explodes in a triumphant Bowie-esque refrain: "I shall love.
Consonant second inversion triads, arpeggiated and oscillating, are typical in accompanimental figurations.
The first movement is in sonata form, contrasting a bright fanfare-like theme that has arpeggiated figures and flashy scales with a gentle, flowing second theme.
The Balochi, riff harmonized with the modern electronic arpeggiated sounds allow a peaceful resolution between the art of 'Nar Sur' and urban-electronic.
Written by Len Calvo, this acoustic guitar-strewn alternative song recals a favorite of ours, particularly Iron & Wine, what with those arpeggiated steel string patterns and that breathy but deep-toned singing.
I'm just humoring these bumpkins." He picked up an acoustic guitar and played a beautiful, arpeggiated rock progression in minor chords.
Peter Anderson, an attorney for the band, repeated to jurors his argument that the riff that opens "Stairway to Heaven," a chromatic descending arpeggiated line that misses the 'E' note, was in the public domain and had been widely used.
To produce the album's single track, which spans thirty-eight minutes (the length of the machine's wash cycle as well as that of the average vinyl LP), the duo miked up the appliance, pushing and prodding both the recordings and the machine itself to produce not only the expected sloshing noises but hammering beats, turntable-esque scratches, screechy horn sounds reminiscent of Jon Hassell's modified trumpet, deep bass tones, marimba notes, and twinkly, space-age-pop arpeggiated chords.
"Reflections was a song I had on the guitar which was more like a folk song almost but I gave it across to Dave and Tommy and they put a lot of arpeggiated synths on it."