apple turnover

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Related to apple turnover: apple dumpling
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: turnover - turnover with an apple fillingapple turnover - turnover with an apple filling  
turnover - a dish made by folding a piece of pastry over a filling
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apple turnover

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Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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"Sausage dumpling and apple turnover!" shouted the boy, which set them all laughing.
I imagine it would make a lovely classic apple turnover, or maybe with pears or raspberries, but it would also go well with a savoury filling like chicken and mushroom, curried meats, or cheese and onion.
"Morrison's apple turnover mince pies were probably the best of high street names but the best mince pies I had were from a bakery called Konditor and Cook in London."
Or maybe those who enlisted, burned their mouths so badly on an apple turnover's molten filling that they simply couldn't swallow.
No, we didn't take a ride to the U-pick pumpkin patch or feed the animals, but we did snag a still-warm apple turnover - that's lunch!
This is what's commonly known as a bad Apple Turnover. Don't worry.
APPLE TURNOVER: The queue outside the Apple Store today.
In between those end-posts of my daily nourishment, along with the fair-trade brew and apple turnover I nosh on at the local coffee shop and the sandwich with colleagues at lunch, are infusions of my reflections on the nature of the conventional food system in the world around me.
The new concept comes in 25kg bags upwards for larger scale production and will create anything from an eye-catching apple turnover to a full-bodied brioche, croissant or Danish.
Your only dilemma is which homemade treat to choose as an accompaniment, but be warned: The coconut pastry is just as delicious as the fresh apple turnover, so you may have to order both.