aperture priority

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aperture priority

(Photography) photog an automatic exposure system in which the photographer selects the aperture and the camera then automatically sets the correct shutter speed. Compare shutter priority
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4 When taking a photo of a sunset/ sunrise from the plane you should use aperture priority or manual to get the best results.
So we can learn to pick ourselves up.") Also, it is not necessary to use only the manual mode - try using modes such as aperture priority (Av) and shutter priority (Tv)
Pressing the lens icon on the left will switch the camera to aperture priority mode which allows you to set the f-stop manually from F 0.95 to F16; perfect for getting that perfect depth of field.
The tool lets users view what happens to a particular photograph by manipulating sliders in three exposure modes: aperture priority, shutter speed priority or manual.
If you do need to use some form of auto exposure to keep exposures consistent, in most cameras you can use the "A" or "Av" (aperture priority) mode in which the aperture is fixed and the shutter speed is varied based on the light in your scene.
I set the photo type at the "flower" icon (close-ups or "macro") to maximize close-up quality, ISO at 400 (like the old film "speed"), made sure vibration reduction feature was active, mode at aperture priority and shot the photo hand held at f/6.1 and 1/200 second.
Bring your camera and learn when and how to use its special features, such as program mode, manual mode, aperture priority and shutter priority.
There are four shooting modes to choose from - intelligent auto, superior auto, program auto and aperture priority shooting.
Aperture Priority and Shutter Priority settings let you experiment with shutter speeds and depth of field, so you can shoot fast-moving images in low light.