anatomical snuffbox

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anatomical snuffbox

(Anatomy) the triangular depression on the back of the hand between the thumb and the index finger
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For patients presenting with wrist pain after trauma to the wrists, assess anatomical snuffbox tenderness and obtain x-rays.
The RCE muscle tendons at the distal third level of the forearm were found under the muscle fibers of the abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis, and distally to the retinaculum of the extensor muscles under the extensor pollicis longus muscle tendon, forming part of the dorsoulnar corner of the anatomical snuffbox in 100 % of the samples in the case of the ECRL muscle tendon, and in 26.7 % (8 of 30 samples) in the case of the ECRB muscle tendon.
On physical examination, there was tenderness in the anatomical snuffbox and a painful range of motion of the wrist.
On examination there was no obvious swelling or deformity and no anatomical snuffbox tenderness.
Pointers to a suspected scaphoid fracture are extreme tenderness over the anatomical snuffbox. Tenderness in this area points to a scaphoid waist fracture.
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