air guitar

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air guitar

(Pop Music) an imaginary guitar played while miming to rock music
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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With new performers for 2019 including aerial contortionists El Duomi, Chilean death metal Bullicio Puppets, Aima Indigo's 'Nympho Nun' show and the return of the UK Air Guitar Championships, where fans are invited exclusively to enter into this internationally recognised competition and to gain the chance of becoming the UK's ultimate 2019 Air Guitar Hero and a shot at the world title in Finland.
A YOUNG Japanese woman who transformed herself on stage from a cleaning lady to a rock star has won the world air guitar championship.
GIRL power triumphed at this year's air guitar world championship.
From busting out an air guitar to throwing his hands up,Phil Collinsproved he can still rock an arena from the comfort of his seat as he returned to Puerto Rico to put on a show.
At the annual Air Guitar World Championship in Finland, showmanship is more important than musicianship.
The problem with all of this is Enda is the Taoiseach, the leader of the nation and apart from the air guitar, with which I have some sympathy, the other actions do not befit his office.
The latest challenge invites consumers to submit air guitar videos to meet Guitar Hero Live developers in London.
Rebecca Flynn's pose outside beach huts in Blyth was enough to convince judges she could be an Air Guitar star.
A MUSIC-LOVING apprentice will take to the stage with an iconic 80s band after posing her way to victory in an Air Guitar Star contest.
A music loving apprentice will take to the stage with an iconic 80s band after posing her way to victory in an Air Guitar Star contest.
Rita even played air guitar to Rita even played air guitar to Prince's Purple Rain.
London, Oct 02 ( ANI ): Playing the air guitar and singing in the shower are useful techniques for aspiring musicians, as they can help them improve their creativity, a new study has revealed.