advertising department

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Noun1.advertising department - the division of a business that is responsible for advertising
business department - a division of a business firm
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Zoeller will expand on her current role as chief revenue and marketing officer to include direct responsibility for the advertising department. In 2005, she joined the newspaper's parent company, Evening Post Industries, as assistant advertising director at The Eagle in Bryan, Texas.
She also refused to admit her actions led to the obstruction of the ad firm's business, since she was in charge of Korean Air's advertising department and it was "part of her job" to stop any business meeting if necessary, police added.
Mary managed the photography advertising department for Caterpillar until her retirement.
Hicks, who holds an MBA from the University of Texas at Dallas, also once worked for Gannett, heading the advertising department at the Montgomery Advertiser in Alabama before heading to Vegas in late 2015.
Thereafter, Elizalde and Co.'s advertising department folded.
"Our advertising department have designed some fantastic packages for businesses to appear on the system.
The Bar's Ethics and Advertising Department regularly receives calls from lawyers who want to advertise but are at a loss regarding how to comply with the Bar's advertising rules.
Lorna Watkinson set up Rainbow Pottery Painting three years ago, having spent 17 years working in the media advertising department of Procter and Gamble.
She formerly worked as a special education assistant for Bethel School District and in the advertising department at West Lane News.
"If we're talking about the advertising department, we must understand what the mayor's office is doing.
As the money poured into ITV's advertising department, kind-hearted viewers donated millions of pounds for worthy causes.

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