adventure racing

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adventure racing

(Individual Sports, other than specified) a contest in which teams compete in an expedition-length race which involves two or more sporting disciplines, often running, mountain biking, climbing, kayaking, and elements of navigation and orienteering
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"24-hour adventure racing is a multisport event that includes mountain biking, kayaking, trekking and navigation across land and sea," McDonald says.
We look forward to supporting Trileuco in their mission to grow their business in the adventure racing sector worldwide."
Jacob's Ladder, another feature at the Adventure Racing Zone, simulates going up the mountain.
The action of adventure racing will draw readers in, but the emotional ride of Andreo's race to find his mother will keep them reading.
Recent reports on the effects of adventure racing on lymphocyte and neutrophil viability have been reported (11), and showed no changes in neutrophil phagocytic capacity after the race despite increased neutrophil death by necrosis and lymphocyte apoptosis.
15 -- Rannvijay's own adventure racing event is back in Delhi along with a carnival to meet the adrelanin needs of Delhites from all age groups.
Some orienteering is carried out by runners while, for the more daring, there is adventure racing.
Sponsored by the Mid-Atlantic Region MWR department, the event tested 40 four-person teams in adventure racing's core disciplines of trail running, biking and paddling.
For a few years now, I have been into adventure racing - which is the best multi-sport out there.
Although Killian and his company had no involvement in the 2001 event, he explains that the impact of the tragedy is still felt in Swiss adventure racing: sponsors can be reluctant to align themselves with an event that is perceived as extreme--even by extremists.
When examining tires, keep in mind that adventure racing bicycle tires will be wide and knobby, with minimal pressure.
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