advanced guard

advanced guard

The leading element of an advancing force. The primary mission is to ensure the uninterrupted advance of the main body. It has the following functions: a. To find and exploit gaps in the enemy's defensive system; b. To prevent the main body of the advancing force running blindly into enemy opposition; c. To clear away minor opposition or, if major opposition is met, to cover the deployment of the main body.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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And this was the way how, towards seven o'clock in the evening, without announcing his arrival by the din of trumpets, and without even his advanced guard, without out-riders or musketeers, the king presented himself before the gate of Vaux, where Fouquet, who had been informed of his royal guest's approach, had been waiting for the last half-hour, with his head uncovered, surrounded by his household and his friends.
You are its leader and its champion, its advanced guard and its van.
The savages came forward like lions; and our men, which was the worst of their fate, had no advantage in their situation; only that Will Atkins, who now proved a most useful fellow, with six men, was planted just behind a small thicket of bushes as an advanced guard, with orders to let the first of them pass by and then fire into the middle of them, and as soon as he had fired, to make his retreat as nimbly as he could round a part of the wood, and so come in behind the Spaniards, where they stood, having a thicket of trees before them.
The sky, seen through the advanced guard, appeared like a mezzotinto engraving, but the main body was impervious to sight; they were not, however, so thick together, but that they could escape a stick waved backwards and forwards.
Our colonel must needs get himself into a scrape, by choosing that moment to take leave of a Polish lady who lived outside the town, a quarter of a mile away; the Cossack advanced guard just caught him nicely, him and his picket.
Ali was stationed as a kind of advanced guard, and the door was kept by the three French attendants, commanded by Myrtho.
The advanced guard were often working in financial or professional services - early adopters because they came into contact with legacy systems every day, and understood the problems new entrants were disrupting.
They were supposed to be the advanced guard of an Army marching from Braemar to Perth, and were resting for the night behind a large wood.
Clearly Jaguar would not go to the effort of fitting the V8 into the XE for only 300 customers so this is obviously the advanced guard of a hot version of the XE that will take on BMW's M3 and Mercedes-AMG's C63 saloon.
Advanced Guard's Easy-Fit scaffolding takes 14 minutes to install compared to around three hours for traditional systems.
- (JCN) - JFE Steel Corporation announced today the launch of JAGTM (JFE Advanced Guard), an excellent oxidation- and corrosion-resistant coated steel sheet for hot press forming that reduces the weight of automotive structural parts.
Next came an advanced guard formed by the grenadier company of the 41st Regiment under Lieutenant Richard Bullock and then Brock's small train of artillery.

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