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a representation of the sound of a sneeze
npl achoos
a sneeze
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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While there were reports that Achoo and some other influential terrorists have been killed in Afghanistan, the police chief asserted that he refuses to believe such reports until he sees their dead bodies or any documentary evidence.
Those arrested are Muhammad Aslam alias Machee, Muhammad Riaz, Adnan Munawwar alias Kali, Shakeel alias Kala, Anwar, Ali Hasan, Zee Shan, Ashraf alias Achoo, Tariq, Javed, Mukhtar, Muhammad Ali and Saeed.
Achoo! is especially appealing to children with the sniffles and all will love the rhyming sounds of "blue" and "dew," "palm" and "calm," "achoo" and "shoo." Along with an appreciation of sounds and words, there are other satisfying morals for young minds: a cold can be caught by anyone, and although it doesn't immediately go away, there are things that will make a sick person feel better.
In a survey of the most popular search engines among librarians, students, and consumers Brazin (2004) enlisted Achoo Healthcare Online, Dogpile, Google, Health on the Net (HON) Foundation, etc.
Capture a child's "squeak" or a friend's silly "achoo" on video and upload it to for the chance to win a spa weekend from Chloraseptic.
"On the Art Career Track: Achoo! Printed Patterns for Tissue Boxes" (page 35) is a fun exercise that addresses basic package design.
On the other hand, ragweed (achoo!), which flowers at the same time as goldenrod, has wind-blown pollen.
Daycare facilities and classrooms will soon be filled with sick children performing the music of cough cough, sneeze sneeze, achoo!
They are "Calypso," "Tiger Lady," "I Want Your Love," "Achoo Cha Cha," and "I Don't Care Who You Are," all composed by Yao Min and performed in the 1950s and 60s by the Hong Kong singer and movie star, Grace Chang.
Several times programmers have introduced outbreaks of Whypox, which stippled the faces of the users' avatars with red bumps and interrupted their text chats with "achoo, achoo." Yasmin Kafai, a University of California, Los Angeles, education professor who studies Whyville and its users, says that offline, kids vigorously debated the cause of the outbreak and how it spread.
[V.sub.2] (i) [atsi(h)] ot'sih 'achoo' VCV: [V.sub.1] ...