

vb (tr)
to call or send for officially or by authorityto illustrate by exampleto agitate, awaken, stir
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Some of the exciting presentations and their expert speakers include: "Vertical Farms & PFAL (Plant Factories with Artificial Lighting)" by Graeme Smith, Managing Director, Graeme Smith Consulting (Australia); "Future Technologies Driving Indoor Urban Agriculture" by Maartin Vandecruys, Founder & Managing Director, Urban Crop Solutions (Belgium); and "Marrying Proven Western Technologies with Localised Business Models to Create Pioneering Indoor Farming Businesses" by Michelle Adelman, Managing Director, Accite Holdings (Botswana).
Yael Joffe, chief scientific officer of 3X4 Analytics; Manuel Koser, co-Founder & MD of Slivertree Internet holdings; Michelle Adelman, founder of Accite; Dr.
But More, the more thou hast, Either of honour, office, wealth and calling, Which might accite thee to embrace and hug them, The more do thou in serpents' nature think them, Fear their gay skins with thought of their sharp state, And let this be thy maxim: to be great Is, when the thread of hazard is once spun, A bottom great wound up, greatly undone.