absolute height

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absolute height

The height of an aircraft directly above the surface or terrain over which it is flying. See also altitude.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in periodicals archive ?
Dubbed the world's most expensive cruise ship, a stay on board is the absolute height of luxury.
Dubbed the world's most expensive cruise ship, a stay on board the absolute height of luxury.
Six years ago, Vampire Weekend reached what seemed like the absolute height of indie-rock stardom.
The absolute height of all human incompetence, recklessness, and corruption is intensely concentrated around the industries of nuclear power (and waste) and nuclear weapons by a species doing its best imitation of Mr.
Schumer said it would be "the absolute height of hypocrisy" for the Senate to move forward with confirming Trump's pick during an election year after using the 2016 election as the rationale for refusing to act on Garland.
To make the vertical distribution of the spiders on trees of different height comparable, relative height of the spiders (rHS) on the respective tree was calculated (with values ranging between 0 and 1) and used instead of absolute height of the spiders above ground.
For #8-1 pier, the average absolute height of the box girder had been jacked up to 5.64 mm.
The height distribution along the middle symmetrical line of sample was scanned by NanoMap 500LS and its absolute height was measured to be 54 nm.
There were no significant differences between pre- and posttreatment absolute height z-scores (P = 0.30).
The Ordnance Survey (OS) uses mean sea level as the starting point for measuring the absolute height of mountains and rising seas have put several UK peaks at risk.
Accuracies (absolute height error) of 10 cm) can be easily achieved with current commercially available equipment.
These same GPS measurements showed no significant changes of vertical movements of these tectonic zones because results of GPS measurement (vertical component - absolute height) are not determined with high precision.
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