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(Biography) William of. 1324–1404, English prelate and statesman, who founded New College, Oxford, and Winchester College: chancellor of England (1367–71; 1389–91); bishop of Winchester (1367–1404)
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Noun1.Wykeham - English prelate and statesman; founded a college at Oxford and Winchester College in Winchester; served as chancellor of England and bishop of Winchester (1324-1404)
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References in classic literature ?
(commonly supposed to have been established by William of Wykeham at Winchester, and imported to Rugby by Arnold more for the sake of the lines which were learnt by heart with it than for its own intrinsic value, as I've always understood), that it is a short exercise in Greek or Latin verse, on a given subject, the minimum number of lines being fixed for each form.
George Thomas Snr, 77, of Wykeham Close, Redcar; George Thomas Jnr, 52, of Charlbury Road, Pallister Park, Middlesbrough; Stephen Thomas, 30, of Penhill Close, Berwick Hills; Lee Woodier, 25, of Shelley Road, Saltersgill; and Andrew Jackson, 25, of Cornforth Avenue, Park End, all denied kidnap and murder.
Mr Singleton, 18, was gunned down in a house on Wykeham Way, in Kirkdale,on April 11.
The 77-year-old believed Mr Newton - who had a key to his Wykeham Close home in Redcar - and another friend, Tony Rutley, who had fitted the safe, were the culprits.
Sherburn finished up in third spot after beating Wykeham, only missing out on promotion after the top two sealed victories.
Having shown ability over obstacles, WILLIAM OF WYKEHAM is on a workable mark in the handicap hurdle (3.40).
The farm, on Wykeham Way, Coulby Newham, is open 9.30am-5.30pm every day.
The silver van mounted the pavement and crashed into a semidetached home on the corner of Wykeham Way and Fountains Road shortly before 7pm.
They cover restless dead or peaceful cadavers: preparation for death and afterlife in medieval Iceland, Bishop William Wykeham of Winchester (1366-1404) and his preparations for death, the authority of deathbed confessions in medieval and early modern Swedish law, the concern for salvation in the cities of Lesser Poland in the 16th century, death with an agenda: preparing for an aristocratic death in Reformation Sweden, dying unprepared in early modern Swedish funeral sermons, and scriptural preparations for suicide in early modern Sweden.
Eternally cross with at Pater for lack of funds, Jack is hell bent on getting it on with Kitty while his mate, the hyper-active Charley Wykeham (Jamie Kwasnick) is entangled with the imminent arrival of his millionairess aunt from Brazil (Liz Grand at her most imperious) a lady impersonated by Lord "Fanny" Babberley (the irrepressible John-Robert Partridge).
Andrews & Wykeham Ltd--a security solutions provider based in Basingstoke, UK--has developed and launched a new high-security holographic product for polycarbonate (PC) cards and datapages called FLO-MO"'.
The top 10 is (in county order): Bell in Horndon-on-the-Hill (Essex) Horse & Groom at Bourton-on-the-Hill (Gloucestershire) Wykeham Arms in Winchester (Hampshire) Inn at Whitewell at Whitewell (Lancashire) Rose & Crown in Snettisham (Norfolk) Woods at Dulverton (Somerset) Horse Guards at Tillington (Sussex) - PUB OF THE YEAR Compasses in Chicksgrove (Wiltshire) Blue Lion at East Witton (Yorkshire) Pipe & Glass in South Dalton (Yorkshire) The latest Good Pub Guide also carried out a national survey of drink prices, showing a huge 87p difference between the cheapest and most expensive pints in the country.