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v. t.1.To show; to teach; to inform; to guide; to direct.
Ere we depart I shall thee so well wisse
That of mine house ne shalt thou never misse.
- Chaucer.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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(39) The fact that Ancrene Wisse uses "chirche-purl" for the window facing the high altar implies that the parlor window does not open directly into the church.
Wisse's The Modern Jewish Canon: A Journey through Language and
"Even if the Jews were the most rotten and misguided people on earth," writes Ruth Wisse, a professor of Yiddish and comparative literature at Harvard, "they do not number 280 million in nationality (let alone one billion in religious affiliation); they have not organized their politics around the destruction of twenty-one Arab countries, or trained a generation of suicide bombers to achieve that goal; they have not used the United Nations as a medium for spreading a genocidal ideology around the globe, or their synagogues to preach 'death to the Arabs!' Jews did not bomb America in the name of the Torah, or foment anti-Muslim sentiment throughout Europe."
Frederik Wisse, retiring member of the college faculty and professor of New Testament in the faculty of religious studies at McGill University, Montreal, will be appointed emeritus professor at the 137th convocation of The Presbyterian College, Montreal, May 13, 2004, at 8 p.m.
The analysed material comes from MED online, the Helsinki Corpus and the following texts: Exodus and Genesis (EM 1250), Floris and Blancheflur (EM 1300), Havelok the Dane (EM 1300), King Horn (EM 1300), Lazamon's Brut (EM 1300), Of Arthour and Merlin (EM 1330), Guy of Warwick (EM 1330), Sir Orfeo (EM 1330), Sawles warde (WM 1225), Vices and virtues (WM 1225), Ancrene Wisse (WM 1230), Kentish Semons (K 1275), Ayenbit of Inwite (K 1340) and The poems of William of Shoreham (K 1350).
Erler and Maryanne Kowaleski, "Introduction"; Jo Ann McNamara, "Women and Power through the Family Revisited"; Dyan Elliott, "Women and Confession: From Empowerment to Pathology"; Nicholas Watson, "'With the Heat of the Hungry Heart': Empowerment and Ancrene Wisse"; Jocelyn Wogan-Browne, "Powers of Record, Powers of Example: Hagiography and Women's History"; Wendy R.
Prince Johan Friso vowed to wed Mabel Wisse Smit, both 35, despite government opposition.
Seven of the chapters are book reviews, covering such figures as Benjamin Disraeli, Karl Marx, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Ruth Wisse, and Philip Roth, as well as such topics as "Jews in the American Academy," and the Jewish mourners' prayer, "Kaddish." Among the other topics treated are the attitudes of John Stuart Mill and Matthew Arnold toward the Jews, "Edward Said and the Modern Language Association," English versions of the Talmud, Holocaust denial, and "Israeli Intellectuals and Israeli Politics." The fourteen essays are organized under three rubrics: politics, religion, and literature.
The first, rather oddly, contains only one essay, in which Bella Millett situates Ancrene Wisse alongside the first books of hours at the 'breakdown of the sharp early medieval
In her book on Colonial and Postcolonial Literature, Elleke Boehmer cautions us against "the mimetic view that literature simply reflected political and social developments."(4) The Yiddishist scholar Ruth Wisse, too, in her introduction to an anthology of works depicting the world of east European Jews, warns the reader to remember that, while these stories "enrich our understanding of East European Jewish life," fact has been filtered through fiction, "and the bias of the mediating imagination must be clearly understood." The reader must not "accept interpretation as fact, to read a story as sociology or anthropology rather than as the work of fiction it is.
The editors have subdivided the contributions into four groups: "The Influence of Anchoritic Spirituality upon Later Lay Piety" (essay: Bella Millett, "Ancrene Wisse and the Books of Hours"); "Carthusian Links with Female Spirituality" (essays: Marleen Cre, "Women in the Charterhouse?
56.15 Bit ki, "Wisse." Read: Betki, "Rather." The meter of this poem is not Failatin feilatun feilatan falun, but Mufteilun failun mufteilun failun (falun).

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