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(Placename) the former name of Sellafield
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HEBBURN Town Reserves manager Kevin Bolam if focused on winning the TWR Shipowners Cup after watching his side end its league campaign with a big win against Windscale.
CHAMPIONS Hebburn Town Reserves rounded off a memorable Wearside League season with a dominant home win against Windscale.
The Hornets clinched the title with a home win against Wolviston last Saturday and play their final league game of a remarkable season against Windscale at the Energy Check Sports Ground this afternoon.
REDCAR Athletic finished off a great cup week when they thumped Windscale in the Monkwearmouth Charity Cup on Saturday.
N global nuclear accident terms, the Windscale fire of 1957, was arguably a great escape.
You have Windscale, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima.
1957: A major radiation leak was detected at the Windscale nuclear plant in Cumbria after an accident three days earlier.
ANSWERS: 1 Germaine Greer; 2 The Santa Maria; 3 Windscale; 4 Yellow Submarine; 5 A dragon; 6 The Schleswig-Holstein Question; 7 Marie Curie; 8 Polaris; 9 It is a sweet Madeira wine; 10 Mansfield Park.
Bits of the containment dome from the Windscale AGR?
1957: A major radiation leak was detected at the Windscale nuclear plant in Cumbria, after an accident three days earlier.
Because just like all that fussing about with changing the nuclear power plant from Windscale to Sellafield, it just don't matter what the name is.