Wind River Range

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Wind River Range

(Placename) a mountain range in W Wyoming: one of the highest ranges of the central Rockies. Highest peak: Gannet Peak, 4202 m (13 785 ft)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

Wind′ Riv′er Range′

a mountain range in W Wyoming, part of the Rocky Mountains. Highest peak, Gannett Peak, 13,785 ft. (4202 m).
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
A new fleet of compact travel trailers can help you sleep comfortably from California's Big Sur to Wyoming's Wind River Range. You can choose from solar-powered teardrops to vintage-inspired stand-ups.
Average cloud cover reaches 60% on the Salmon River Mountains of Idaho and more than 70% on the Wind River Range in Wyoming, but drops back to about 50% in the valley communities of Idaho Falls, Idaho, and Riverton, Wyoming.
This book offers a critical explication of John Fremont's report from his 1842 expedition up the Kansas and Platte Rivers into the Wind River Range of present-day Wyoming.
The resolution calls for the Crow tribe to "exercise fully its treaty right to hunt on all unoccupied lands of the United States which are located within the traditional Crow homeland: The territory includes lands stretching from northern Montana, south to the Wind River Range in Wyoming, and east to the Black Hills.
He helped the group find a way through the Rocky Mountains, and he is believed to have been the first white man to cross Wyoming's formidable Wind River Range. He also became experienced at dealing with the natives, on at least one occasion persuading members of the Nez Perce to help him find a way through a portion of the Pacific Northwest.
"Adam Bacher: Earth, Water and Sky" will showcase an array of subjects photographed by Bacher, including the Oregon and Washington Cascades, the Sierra Nevada of California, the Sawtooth mountains of Idaho, the Wind River range of Wyoming and the rugged terrain of Glacier National Park in Montana.
Healthy stands of whitebarks still exist in Wyoming's Wind River Range, where even higher elevations are likely to guard against a pine beetle outbreak--and if grizzly bears are forced to search for food outside of the park, they may eventually find their way into the Winds.
I was impressed with Leupold's 8x32 Wind River Range Finding Binocular.
After honeymooning in the Teton Mountains and Wind River Range, the couple is at home in Jackson.