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1. (Biography) Alfred. 1830–1905, British architect; a leader of the Gothic Revival. His buildings include Manchester Town Hall (1868) and the Natural History Museum, London (1881)
2. (Biography) George Marsden. 1824–1906, New Zealand statesman, born in England: prime minister of New Zealand (1872–73)
3. (Biography) Keith (Spencer). 1929–2009, British novelist, dramatist, and journalist: best known for the novel Billy Liar (1959) and his collaborations with the dramatist Willis Hall (1929–2005)
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References in classic literature ?
Waterhouse, Walker, Newman, and White, have published several able papers on the Insects which were collected, and I trust that many others will hereafter follow.
Waterhouse and others have remarked, our carnivorous, ruminant, and rodent mammals, could successfully compete with these well-pronounced orders.
Jake Robert Waterhouse of Hazel Walk in Partington, Manchester, drove his friend's Subaru Impreza around the Rhyd y Galen site near Bethel, Gwynedd, in the early hours of August 16 before driving through several tents.
Cerys Parry, defending Waterhouse, said: "My client takes full responsibility for the devastating events in the early hours of Monday morning at the campsite in Bethel.
Sean Waterhouse made his first appearance at Leeds Crown Court yesterday in relation to the killing of 42-year-old Mr Astin.
Summary: Washington DC, [USA] Sep 19 (ANI): Actor Suki Waterhouse, while filming 'Assassination Nation', accidentally shot someone.
After a long and distinguished career, Waterhouse (1849-1917), was relegated to the periphery of art history by mainstream criticism between his death and the 1950s, says Cavallaro, but now stands as a favorite among Victorian painting connoisseurs, art lovers, and the general public.
WREXHAM MP Ian Lucas has welcomed news that a review of the Waterhouse inquiry has been completed.
(Strutton) Waterhouse, 92, died at sunrise on Easter Sunday morning, April, 5, 2015 in Webster Manor with family at her side.