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abbreviation for
(Military) Women's Royal Australian Naval Service
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References in periodicals archive ?
Contrary to prior proposed technologies, we propose an energy-efficient two-level power transmission line monitoring system, based on cognitive radio IEEE 802.22 wireless regional area network (WRAN).
The time delay in reporting a packet by a cognitive pole to the CRGW is given as "packet size/data rate." The minimum data rate of the CR 802.22 WRAN system at upstream is 384 kbps [33, 34], and the time delay can be calculated as 0.083 seconds when the packet size is 4 kBytes.
This standard allows wireless regional area networks (WRANs) to utilize the TV bands to offer broadband service.
Moreover, the IEEE 802.22b Task Group has been established to enhance the WRAN's capacity in TV bands by D2D communication and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) [10].
Shellhammer et al, "Performance of power detector sensors of DTV signals in IEEE 802.22 WRANs," in Proc.
Harriet Wran, the youngest daughter for ex NSW Premier Neville Wran, had been sleeping on streets and had been in deteriorated state due to amphetamine abuse.