References in classic literature ?
So cheard he his fair Spouse, and she was cheard, But silently a gentle tear let fall From either eye, and wip'd them with her haire; Two other precious drops that ready stood, Each in thir chrystal sluce, hee ere they fell Kiss'd as the gracious signs of sweet remorse And pious awe, that feard to have offended.
WiP First came into public view in 1985, with a campaignin support of draftees jailed for refusing to take the army oath because of its pro-Soviet content and for refusing military service altogether.
* CBS Philadelphia sports franchise WIP went viral when it posted a video of New Jersey Governor Christ Christie losing his chair when he visited for an interview.
Cotton (Gossipium hirsutum F.) pe queen of fiber is pe leading fiber crop of pe world is grown over an area of 34.2 million hectares wip a production of 25.3 million tonnes and productivity of 733 kg per hectare [1].
The Percent WIP Group is a well-established international fashion company whose fashion brands are some of the hottest brands in China and Europe.
Judges including WiP branch chairwoman Carol Nisbet described her as "very engaging, with great academic achievements".
Participating communities post WIP signs at its available parking spaces.
Under City Councilor Pilar Braga, committee chairperson on Education, the draft ordinance provides that the MOA is relative to affiliation of their caregiving SHS student through the WIP with centers supervised and managed by the said office such as the Co Su Gian Home for the Aged and the City Minding Center.
"As a company founded and based in Philadelphia, Entercom is thrilled to continue our broadcast partnership with our hometown Eagles and WIP," said Field.
Ms Moleketi was speaking in Nairobi during the launch of a Women in Parliament (WIP) Council on property rights.