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1. not able to be won or achieved
2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (of a seat in an election) not able to be taken from the incumbent or the incumbent's party
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
But without a pact with the Brexit Party, might a general election be unwinnable?
For the nth time, President Duterte raised the possibility of an unwinnable war against China, a scare tactic he uses so we would accept his defeatist stance against Chinese misbehavior.
Both leaderships recognising the fact that war is unwinnable will, probably, expedite the process of negotiations with the Taliban to find out a peace formula for the war-torn country.
Nonetheless, President Digong Duterte has achieved considerable success against the unwinnable war against drug trafficking and corruption in the bureaucracy.
Women were given tickets for unwinnable seats and not much support was provided to women in terms of resources and otherwise."
AN inmate has described the "unwinnable battle" against drugs inside HMP Northumberland as private jails come in for criticism.
He said: "The staff are powerless to stop it and are constantly battling an unwinnable battle.
Gagasan Sejahtera coalition member Barisan Jemaah Islamiyah Se-Malaysia (Berjasa) today accused PAS of betraying them by offering only unwinnable seats in GE14.
With the Guardians of the Galaxy joining the fray there might just be some hope of survival at the end of this seemingly unwinnable war.
Rightly nicknamed "Bulldog," he fought an unwinnable fight right to the very end.
Misleading the public and sending troops knowing that the war in Vietnam was unwinnable were something over which the powers that be did have control.
BBC Women has also urged the corporation to "avoid wasting licence fee money" in an "unwinnable" battle against female workers and instead asks that they apologise and set in motion an "equal, fair and transparent pay structure".