Umberto II

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Umberto II

(Biography) 1904–83, the last king of Italy (1946), following the abdication of his father Victor Emmanuel III: abdicated when a referendum supported the abolition of the monarchy
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References in periodicals archive ?
I'm staying at the five-star Grande Real Villa Italia Hotel & Spa, previously the home of Umberto II, the exiled last King Of Italy.
The last actual King of Italy was Umberto II. He reigned for a mere 34 days as Italy became a republic during post World War II.
The monarch -- known as "sciaboletta", or small sabre, due to his stature -- abdicated the throne in 1946 in favour of his son Umberto II in a vain effort to avert a plebiscite to decide whether Italy should remain a monarchy or become a republic.
A Umberto II B Riccardo II C Guillermo II D Giuseppe II QUESTION 12 - for 12 points: Which channel separates Norway from Denmark?
Once the residence of King Umberto II of Italy, who lived in Portugal from the 1950s to the 80s, its classical style and sophisticated terrace fit perfectly with the surrounding area.
All these temptations made Estoril the favorite destination for exiled kings, perhaps most prominently King Umberto II, who spent 37 years in exile before he died in Geneva.
In 1983 ex-King Umberto II bequeathed it to the late Pope John Paul, the predecessor of Pope Benedict XVI.
t was by the The relic was then bequeathed to the Pope by former King Umberto II of Italy, on his death in 1983.
King Umberto II of Italy abdicated after just 34 days on the throne 3.
A A public house B A gentlemen's club C A gambling den D A coffee shop QUESTION 12 - for 12 points: Umberto II was the last king of which European country?
In which country was the reigning king, Umberto II, deposed in 1946?