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Noun1.Thymelaeales - Myrtaceae; Combretaceae; Elaeagnaceae; Haloragidaceae; Melastomaceae; Lecythidaceae; Lythraceae; Rhizophoraceae; Onagraceae; Lecythidaceae; Punicaceae
plant order - the order of plants
Rosidae, subclass Rosidae - a group of trees and shrubs and herbs mostly with polypetalous flowers; contains 108 families including Rosaceae; Crassulaceae; Myrtaceae; Melastomaceae; Euphorbiaceae; Umbelliferae
Combretaceae, combretum family, family Combretaceae - a family of tropical trees and shrubs of the order Myrtales
Elaeagnaceae, family Elaeagnaceae, oleaster family - shrubs or small trees often armed
family Haloragaceae, family Haloragidaceae, Haloragaceae, Haloragidaceae, water-milfoil family - a family of dicotyledonous plants of the order Myrtales
family Lecythidaceae, Lecythidaceae - large tropical trees bearing large fruits with woody skins
family Lythraceae, loosestrife family, Lythraceae - herbs and shrubs and small trees with pink or purple flowers
family Myrtaceae, Myrtaceae, myrtle family - trees and shrubs yielding a fragrant oil
family Nyssaceae, Nyssaceae, sour-gum family, tupelo family - a family of dicotyledonous trees of order Myrtales that includes the sour gum trees
evening-primrose family, family Onagraceae, Onagraceae - a large and widely distributed family of plants of the order Myrtales
family Punicaceae, Punicaceae - one species: pomegranates
family Rhizophoraceae, mangrove family, Rhizophoraceae - trees and shrubs that usually form dense jungles along tropical seacoasts
daphne family, family Thymelaeaceae, Thymelaeaceae - family of trees and shrubs and herbs having tough bark that are found especially in Australia and tropical Africa
family Trapaceae, Trapaceae - family comprising solely the genus Trapa; in some classifications treated as a subfamily or tribe of the family Onagraceae
family Melastomaceae, family Melastomataceae, meadow-beauty family, Melastomaceae, Melastomataceae - a family of trees and bushes and herbs of order Myrtales; many are cultivated as ornamentals
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References in periodicals archive ?
Studien uber die Verwandtschaftsberhaltnisse der Thymelaeales und uber die anatomische Methode: Thymelaeaceae.