Thomas Merton

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Noun1.Thomas Merton - United States religious and writer (1915-1968)
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Thomas Merton was irate when the Passion was read in what he described as an "extremely trite and pedestrian English version," albeit one approved by the American bishops.
The event was cosponsored by the Anti-War Committee of the Thomas Merton Center, Veterans for Peace, Stop Banking the Bomb, WILPF, and others.
None of the 20 men and women who contributed to this wonderful anthology experienced the whole Thomas Merton. Each reflects on the influence this Cistercian monk, author, essayist, and prolific letter writer had on their lives--be it through personal contact, his writings, or his example as monk-contemplative-priest.
The Monk's Record Player: Thomas Merton, Bob Dylan, and the Perilous Summer of 1966
The Monk's Record Player: Thomas Merton, Bob Dylan, and the Perilous Summer of 1966 offers a biographical examination of the parallel lives of Thomas Merton and Bob Dylan, and comes from a Dylan scholar and member of the International Thomas Merton Society who considers the lives of both icons.
Synopsis: In 1965 Thomas Merton fulfilled a twenty-four-year-old dream and went to live as a hermit beyond the walls of his Trappist monastery.
As a young man of eighteen, James Finley left home for an unlikely destination: the Abbey of Gethsemani, where Thomas Merton lived as a contemplative.
Synopsis: A Trappist monk of the Abbey of Gethsemani, Kentucky, Thomas Merton (January 31, 1915--December 10, 1968) was an American Catholic writer, theologian, mystic, poet, social activist, and student of comparative religion.
That he decided to pick Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., and more so Dorothy Day and Thomas Merton says a lot about him.
These words provided the impetus for Zuercher -- whose previous book on Thomas Merton (Merton: An Enneagram Profile) proved to be a highly intuitive study of one of the most significant religious figures of the twentieth century -- to set aside her reticence and write this intimate portrait of a spiritual giant whose journey to become a "complete human being" involved, surprisingly, the love of a woman.
Pierre of Groton and Kyle Lewandowski of Worcester were awarded the Thomas Merton Award for exemplifying lives of service to others at the school's Mass of the Holy Spirit on Sept.