Syrtis Major

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Syrtis Major

(Astronomy) a conspicuous dark region visible in the N hemisphere of Mars
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Some regions such as the Syrtis Major Planum have been recorded to have stronger sand movement.
Mustard, who has been active in the process of selecting a landing site for NASA's Mars 2020 rover, says that these kinds of breccia blocks are present in at least two of the sites NASA is considering: Northeast Syrtis Major and Midway.
The most obvious southern hemisphere features include Syrtis Major, an ancient shield volcano shaped like the subcontinent India; the "chicken drumstick" combination of Sinus Sabaeus and Sinus Meridiani (east of Syrtis Major); the great bands of Mare Tyrrhenum and Mare Cimmerium that stretch west of Syrtis Major; the vast and amoebic Mare Erythraeum-Aurorae Sinus complex; and the dark eye of Solis Lacus.
Where would you find the region known as Syrtis Major? 10.
Minami found the morning Syrtis Major was faded by the ECB on Apr 30, etc.
Washington, Feb 4 ( ANI ): Newly released images from ESA's Mars Express orbiter show lava flows on the Syrtis Major region of the planet, which was nce thought to be a sea of water.
The second most prominent feature is big, dark Syrtis Major. Use the maps and globes above to identify what you see.
"In particular, Syrtis Major, a large, dark, triangular feature on Mars, will be visible."
Just 2 months ago, Mars loomed high in the sky, its ruddy countenance so close that anyone with a backyard telescope could make out the planet's white south-polar cap and a central smudge known as Syrtis Major. Not in 60,000 years had Mars and Earth been so close, and they won't be again for another 2 centuries.
Northeastern Syrtis Major Planum - Just upstream from Jezero, this broad plateau was once warmed by volcanic activity.
Syrtis Major. On 2008 Apr 2 Adamoli found Casius-Utopia brownish compared with the greenish Syrtis Major-Mare Tyrrhenum near the CM, which is seasonally typical.
It is most likely formed of basaltic rock or volcanic ash originating from the Syrtis Major region.