support act

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support act

n (Mus) → Vorgruppe f
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But then, this sort of common-sense gesture is exactly what went by the wayside under the Family Support Act. At least, one can still hope that the Clinton plan will do no great harm.
The genesis of the recent push for full-time work is traceable to the 1988 Family Support Act, the scion of a Democratically controlled Congress and Ronald Reagan, which took the first step to change Aid for Dependent Children (AFDC) form an income-support scheme to a workfare program.
These statistics are dogging public officials who have routinely coupled the word "welfare" with "reform" since Congress passed the Family Support Act of 1988.
Kyle, 29, is having treatment as part of Support Act, the new rehab programme to help those in the music industry.
The group welcomed number of guests on stage, including support act Rae Morris who sings on recent single Luna and whose impressive voice is matched only by her impressively large hair.
Yet dead-on the 8.30 starttime, Stephen K Amos jumps up on stage declaring: "I would usually bring along a support act, but tonight it's just all me."
The offending moment occurred when Geri called them her 'support act' in her book Geri: Just For The Record.
The support act for their gig was made up of homeless people and Chris Martin spent the day with them backstage chatting away and giving out autographs.
POP maestros Alphabeat are support act to Lady Gaga next week.
Think X Factor without the glam, but with added hilarity from Gongmeister and MC Matt Reed and a support act. If you fancy yourself as a gong-beating stand-up contact the Box Office on 01642 525199, where you can also book tickets, priced at pounds 6.50.
If my support act did Suddenly I See, I'd be so annoyed."