Stiff neck

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Related to Stiff neck: meningitis
obstinacy in evil or wrong; inflexible obstinacy; contumacy.
- W. Perkins.
a condition of the neck such that the head can not be moved without difficulty and pain.

See also: Neck, Stiff

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
Indeed, I worked so deliberately, that though I commenced at the ground in the morning, a course of bricks raised a few inches above the floor served for my pillow at night; yet I did not get a stiff neck for it that I remember; my stiff neck is of older date.
I have scarcely touched the bottle which you brought me for my cold." A piece of red flannel was wrapped around Mademoiselle's throat; a stiff neck compelled her to hold her head on one side.
It was really shock, rather than any injury, which had prostrated me, and in half-an-hour, in spite of aching head and stiff neck, I was sitting up and ready for anything.
And we other boys, who would have sacrificed ten terms of our school-life for the sake of being ill for a day, and had no desire whatever to give our parents any excuse for being stuck-up about us, couldn't catch so much as a stiff neck. We fooled about in draughts, and it did us good, and freshened us up; and we took things to make us sick, and they made us fat, and gave us an appetite.
Jones discovered that he had to contend with a stiff necked people.
And either tropic now 'Gan thunder, and both ends of heaven; the clouds From many a horrid rift abortive poured Fierce rain with lightning mixed, water with fire, In ruin reconciled; nor slept the winds Within their stony caves, but rushed abroad From the four hinges of the world, and fell On the vexed wilderness, whose tallest pines, Though rooted deep as high, and sturdiest oaks, Bowed their stiff necks, loaden with stormy blasts, Or torn up sheer.
Francona wasn't sure if the stiff neck was related to the bug Beckett has come down with.
Symptoms include fever, vomiting, severe headache and a stiff neck.
The 26-year-old held a one-shot lead at the halfway stage in Cranssur-Sierre, but needed an hour of physiotherapy on a stiff neck before he could start the third round.
Thanks to the quick-thinking staff hauling the idiot out of the crowd, I avoided more serious injuries than a stiff neck and bruised ego!
Debbie Jackson said she had been left with a stiff neck and sore shoulders because of a faulty air conditioning unit at Derby College.
n In babies and toddlers symptoms include a rash, fretfulness, blotchy skin, drowsiness and stiff neck. n If the rash does NOT fade and is still visible when the side of a glass is pressed firmly against the skin, seek immediate medical advice