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also Sin·o·log  (sī′nə-lôg′, -lŏg′, sĭn′ə-)
A student of or specialist in Sinology.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Pour le sinologue Sebastian Weg, ce retour en force du parti est illustre par la resurgence des pratiques militantes d'antan du genre: les autocritiques, [beaucoup moins que]la ligne de masse[beaucoup plus grand que], le discours ideologique et la valorisation de la discipline.
Deux des initiateurs de cette rencontre de Paris, l'economiste Fatiha Talahite, de l'Universite Paris 8, et Thierry Pairault, socio-economiste, sinologue et directeur de recherche emerite au CNRS de Paris, ont ete invites a ce colloque.
A Sinologue has no time to learn how to write poetry; a poet hasno time to learn how to read Chinese"; in 1958 George Kennedysaid of Ezra Pound, "Undoubtedly this is fine poetry.
His career combines outstanding achievements in three areas, "[a]ny-one of which would have sufficed to distinguish an ordinary person: a diplomat who served on important posts as a Netherlands envoy; a sinologue scholar, one with extraordinarily wide-ranging interests and knowledge; and an author-artist, creator of the immensely popular Judge Dee novels and the illustrations for them." (2)
Girardot states that Legge was "the most distinguished European Sinologue in the world," and that this influence became greater with the publication of the Sacred Books of the East (111).
This is a collection of the book reviews of the early twentieth century Sinologue Erwin Ritter von Zach (1872-1942).
Sinologue et titulaire d'une maitrise en Histoire de Chine, elle est aussi juriste et possede un doctorat en droit de la Faculte de droit de l'Universite McGill.