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In medicine, a sialogogue is a drug that promoted the secretion of what?
Unquestionably, adequate oral hygiene is important to prevent oral infections, as well as the use of some agents that act on prevention and management of complications related to xerostomia, such as topical fluoride, saliva substitutes, and sialogogue pilocarpine (Elad, Or, Garfunkel, & Shapira, 2003a; Elad, Or, Resnick, & Shapira, 2003b).
Epidermal growth factor EGF in human saliva: effect of age, sex, race, pregnancy and sialogogue. Scand J Gastroenterol Suppl.
It also produces a primary stimulation of the central nervous system followed by improved starch digestion Used as antiseptic, astringent, aphrodisiac, mildly stimulant, expectorant, exhilarant and sialogogue. Given to children in colic, indigestion, diarrhea, fever and laryngitis.
It has medical action and uses, the leaves are stimulant antiseptic and sialogogue; the oil is an active local stimulant used in the treatment of respiratory catarrhas as a local application or gargle, also as an stimulant in diphtheria.