wave-cut platform

(redirected from Shore platform)
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Related to Shore platform: Wave Cut Platform

wave-cut platform

(Physical Geography) a flat surface at the base of a cliff formed by erosion by waves
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(1987) Dynamic conditions for shore platform initiation.
(2000) The measurement of the erosion of the Chalk shore platform of East Sussex, the effect of coastal defense structures and the efficacy of macro-scale bioeroders, particularly the Common Limpet, Patella vulgate.
(2006) Methods for measuring shore platform micro erosion: A comparison of the micro-erosion meter and laser scanner.
Market segments include Municipal, Industrial, Irrigation, Off Shore Platform, Mine de-watering, and more.
The sea-level stand may have been due to (i) regional climatic deterioration sufficient to cause significant increase in glacial loading, briefly slowing isostatic uplift to the same rate as ocean-level rise; (ii) briefly increased glacial melting on a regional or wider scale, causing ocean-level to rise at the same rate as isostatic uplift; or (iii) briefly increased sea-ice activity which eroded the bedrock surface, destroying the Hiatella colony, and increasing the supply of inshore gravel to blanket the shore platform so formed.
The shore platform is fairly well preserved, particularly in metamorphic rocks, with a gentle slope to the sea in the intertidal part, and a steeper slope in the supratidal part.
During the first phase of regression, the shore platform was progressively exposed and coastal systems migrated in response to the new position of the coastline.
A prime example would be a coating especially developed for off shore platforms. The paint is applied on oil rigs and pipelines underwater in an environment classified as C5-M - the toughest and most extreme environmental classification."(C5-M falls under the 'very high' corrosivity category, based on standard ISO 9223:1992 Corrosion of metals and alloys -- Corrosivity of atmospheres - Classification.
This test is taking place on a limited number of sea and shore platforms.
With a wide array of well-chosen illustrations and photographs Bird describes coastal processes such as waves and tides, land and sea level changes and their causes, cliffs (and their relation to landslides), shore platforms, including plunging cliffs, beaches in all their amazing variety, beach erosion and nourishment, coastal dunes, intertidal wetlands, estuaries and lagoons, deltas, coral and algal reefs, and the coasts to emerge in the future from the changing climate.
Headquartered in Lisbon, Portugal, Euronavy is involved in marine and protective coatings applied to ships, off shore platforms, storage tanks, steel, concrete and flooring.
ORMAT CCVTs have been supplying reliable electrical power on unmanned off shore platforms since 1976.

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