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(Biography) Arthur. born 1938, British trades union leader; president of the National Union of Mineworkers (1982–2002). He led the miners in a long and bitter strike (1984–85), but failed to prevent pit closures
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The strike at the facility became a pivotal moment in the workers' protest, and lead to union official Arthur Scargill, now 81, becoming a household name.
Andy Scargill, former chairman of theFriends of North Chester Greenbeltgroup, fought the housing plan at Clifton Drive playing fields because of its floodplain location as well as the loss of pitches.
Did Arthur Scargill the like suffer mines closed - not!
RSPCA inspector Mike Scargill, who is investigating, is now keen to find the owner of the cat and establish how she came to fall from such a height.
The 75-year-old trusted "genuine and kind" Sharon Scargill, who she had shared cups of coffee with, enough to confide in her that she was going to visit relatives.
ARTHUR Scargill is wellremembered for "leading the miners like lemmings over the cliffs, destroying communities and dividing families" and "swore to bring the government and country down with his lust for power" claimed two letter writers last week.
LETTER writers last week claimed Arthur Scargill is well remembered for "leading the miners like lemmings over the cliffs, destroying communities and dividing families" and "swore to bring the government and country down with his lust for power".
PUBLIC schools like Eton and Harrow should be abolished, ex-miners' union leader Arthur Scargill has told his party faithful.
And he argues that instead of going on to be one of the "great" trade unionists, NUM leader Arthur Scargill had to instead dedicate his life to fulfilling the "dogmatic" stance he had adopted.
FORMER miners' leader Arthur Scargill has launched a furious attack over the notorious Battle of Orgreave - 30 years on.