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(Biography) Dilma (ˈdiːlmə). born 1947, Brazilian socialist politician; president of Brazil from 2011
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References in periodicals archive ?
Summary: Brazil entered a new phase of turbulence last week with the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff by the Senate for manipulating budget figures, and the subsequent swearing in of new President Michel Temer
In 2010, Dilma Rousseff made history, becoming the first woman to be elected as President of Brazil.
Michel Temer, 75, who on Wednesday officially took over Brazil's presidency from his former ally, the leftist Dilma Rousseff, does not have a easy job ahead.
Major parties in Brazil's governing coalition pressed the Supreme Court on Friday to overturn a Senate decision allowing former President Dilma Rousseff to remain politically active after her dismissal in an impeachment trial this week.
BRAZIL'S senate has voted 61-20 to permanently remove president Dilma Rousseff from office.
BRASILIA, Brazil, Dhu-AlQa'dah 29, 1437, September 01, 2016, SPA -- Brazil's Senate on Wednesday voted to remove President Dilma Rousseff from office, the culmination of a yearlong fight that paralyzed Latin America's largest nation and exposed deep rifts among its people on everything from race relations to social spending, according to AP.
TEHRAN (FNA)- Widespread protests have been held in major Brazilian cities for and against sacked president Dilma Rousseff following a vote by the country's Senate to permanently remove her from the presidency at the end of an impeachment trial.
BRAZIL'S senate has voted to permanently remove president Dilma Rousseff from office.
Brazil's drawn out drama over President Dilma Rousseff, which continued even as the country played host to the 2016 Summer Olympics this month, is finally over. 
Summary: A defiant President Dilma Rousseff warned Brazilians Monday that her conservative opponents were trampling on democracy by using trumped-up charges to oust her and roll back the social advances of the past 13 years.
In a congressional impeachment proceeding rejected by large swaths of Brazilian society as a coup, president Dilma Rousseff was removed from office last month and a provisional government assumed power.
According to Lula, the governments of the Workers' Party, of which both Lula and Rousseff are members, has managed to get 30 million people out of poverty in the last 12 years.